Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Serenity is a story told time and time again. Its the great space adventure. In firefly the story that serenity is based on the story of a crew of pirates or space theives come across a young girl who is a psychic that has been brainwashed as a super soldier with a trained mind and body. In this future the main character is a veteran of a space war on the losing side. And in the present time the group know as the alliance is in control and trying to maintain power. In my opinion the elements of this story is bits and pieces of other stories pulled together. A great escape to freedom. The most common story told in serenity could be explained as a story of the Jews during WWII. The girl in the story is named Rain that is trying to escape the capture of the Alliance.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

From Hell

A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami, I didn't care for this book so I went with From Hell.
The part that i want to focus on is Gull, of course who else would i focus on in this. So Sir William Gull a high ranked Freemason, what a devilish character how can you comprehend the mind of this man. he begins with the violence against women, by brutally murdering five women he trys to justify his actions by clames of apparent Illuminati threats to the throne. Didn't know that during the french revolution the Illuminati were blamed in some quarters, but back to were I was, these killings were actually part of a much more sinister plot. In that the murders were in fact were part of an elaborate ritual to ensure the societal dominance of women by men

"I am Legend"

Instead of doing Interview with a Vampire I jumped at the chance to go back and reread "I am Legend". Not that Interview with a Vampire isn't a good book I really like the book because in someways i can relate to the environment having been from the area around New Orleans. But I digress on to I am Legend". this is one of my favorite graphic novels and has an amazing audio book counter part to the book. Robert Neveal what i think of when I think of Robert neveal what is a man like at the end of his rope but is forced to live on, that's what I think of when I think of this man. This book seems to be to me a bit more on the more intellectual side only because of the wordage he uses and how Robert acts and when they describe things in the story. Like the fact that he spends a lot of time in the library researching in books on blood.

Monster Island

I didn't get to read the entirety of the monster island book. what I liked most about the book is in the first few chapters. it seemed to have a bit of confusion because it jumped around a bit or at least in my opinion it did. the one part of the book that i liked the most was the part of the man that turned into a zombie i think, but the description of the event was so detailed it made me crindge a little. over all it was a good read. this is got to be my favorite exert from the book. Just the way the zombie is discribed is amazing "A trifle cyanotic, maybe. Blueness in his jaw, at his temples. Very pale. His eyes were shot with read where capillaries had burst open… perhaps that would heal, in time. If he could heal anymore. A vein under his left cheek lay dead and swollen so blue it was almost black. Peering, prodding, stretching the skin of his face with his fingers he found other clots and occlusions, web-like traceries of dead veins."


One thing that i never knew is that the frankenstein's monster didn't actually have a name. I think in part it is his detachedness of the human work, is why he has no name.  another point could be that part of frankenstein's regetion of his creation and that could be part of the reason he did not give his creation a name. In the book i think around chapter ten when he addresses the creature as a "vile insect", abhorred monster", " a fiend" and an abhorred devil". In the book the writer referred to the creature as "Adam" this is just a referance to that of the first man in the book of the bible that was created by God in the garden of eden. she wrote in her epigraph:

Did I request thee, Maker from my clay
To mould Me man? Did I solicit thee
From darkness to promote me?
John Milton, Paradise Lost

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

American Gods

I started reading anansi boys and in the mist of the book i looked up more about it online and found that its a spin-off of Neil Gaiman book American Gods. I found the plot for American gods to be a lot more interesting it had that kind of comic book or graphic novel sound to it.  As the story unfolds its fun to discover that all the character are related in some ways big or small there are reasons for meeting and there are also hidden agendas. One of my favorite thing about the book is his way of writing in fantasy of Norse mythology and the mystery of the story. the book also has a kind of commentary of the way that the new gods are a reflection of the way America and people act. I haven't finished the book at this point but am still reading and can't wait to finish with the book